Advising on lawful production and marketing of Cannabis products, such as hemp products, and the status of such products under federal and state laws relating to controlled substances and hemp.

This includes issues related to the regulation of Cannabis, hemp, and derivatives by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB), and state governments.

Our firm helps assess risks for all aspects of hemp ingredient formulation for foods, drugs, dietary supplements, and cosmetics, including sourcing, testing, formulation, manufacturing, and marketing compliance.

To ensure our clients stay compliant with changing laws, we are continually monitoring both federal and state law to provide clients with up-to-date evaluations of rules affecting hemp components, such as cannabidiol (CBD) and other cannabinoids. We stay abreast of statutes, regulations, guidance documents, policy statements, and opinions from state Departments of Agriculture, Health, and Pharmacy, among others, as well as Attorneys General and law enforcement agencies to help our clients’ understand the variety of formulation and labeling requirements in various states.

Get in Touch

Washington D.C.

Our office is located a few blocks south of Dupont Circle, near the intersection of 19th Street NW and M Street NW. The closest Metro stations are Dupont Circle or Farragut North on the Red line and Farragut West on the Blue/Orange/ Silver lines. If you are driving, there is a parking garage attached to our building.

1850 M Street NW, Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20036